Andrew H Schwartz +1-603-346-4684

andrew-h-schwartz ozydingo

Core Competencies

Independent Projects

A Big Stick: Big Stick Ideology for code

Despecable: Intuitive, self-documenting API specifications for Rails

Budget Slacker: Slack + Google Cloud app for personal budgeting

Factory Burgers: Front-end UI + Middleware to discover and invoke FactoryBot factories, traits, and associations

nnjs (Ninjas): Web demo of neural networks

Descend: Web demo of gradient descent

StoresInMongo: Transparently bind SQL and noSQL records in ActiveRecord models

Various Open Source Contributions

Including Ruby, Datadog, ruby/rss, ViewComponent, pronto, CloudPosse, Ruby For Good

Professional Experience

Software Architect » 3Play Media, 2019 - 2023 (present)

Team Growth ⋅ Ruby on Rails ⋅ React ⋅ GraphQL ⋅ CI/CD, Github Actions ⋅ Kubernetes

Senior Platform Innovation Engineer » Brain Power, 2019

AWS ⋅ Machine Vision ⋅ React ⋅ Serverless Applications ⋅ Scrum

Senior Software Engineer » Amazon Alexa, 2018 - 2019

NLP ⋅ Java ⋅ C++ ⋅ Scalable Architecture

Director of Engineering, Senior Research Engineer » 3Play Media, 2013 - 2018

Ruby on Rails ⋅ Python ⋅ R ⋅ Agile ⋅ Signal Processing ⋅ NLP

Fun Challenges to Ask Me About


Ph.D, Speech & Hearing, Bioscience & Technology

MIT + Harvard Health Sciences & Technology program, June 2013

Research and modeling of the auditory system, sound localization, the cocktail party problem

Inference & Information, Neural Coding & Perception of Sound, Auditory Signal Processing

Master of Science, Electrical Engineering

MIT Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, May 2010

Speech & Audio Processing, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Communication Control

Bachelor of Science, Computer Systems Engineering

Boston University Dept of Computer Systems Engineering, May 2005