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Doggo ipsum shibe. Corgo sub woofer heck heckin stop it fren big ol pupper heckin good boys, very jealous pupper puggorino floofs wow such tempt. Vvv borking doggo tungg floofs fat boi sub woofer wow such tempt porgo, long bois long doggo clouds vvv puggorino shoob. Length boy puggo heckin good boys the neighborhood pupper lotsa pats, yapper many pats. Heck ur givin me a spook what a nice floof h*ck lotsa pats he made many woofs, extremely cuuuuuute aqua doggo very taste wow noodle horse. heckin very hand that feed shibe noodle horse. Long water shoob what a nice floof you are doing me a frighten h*ck shibe, he made many woofs the neighborhood pupper heck. The neighborhood pupper very hand that feed shibe many pats pupper sub woofer you are doing me a frighten, long doggo tungg very hand that feed shibe.
Ok, ::selection
is a pseudo-element, not a pseudo-class, but it's still good to know about! It supports only a limited set of properties, and always applies to the entire document.